Hi Emma,

don't move everything to Tomcat, copy it. Keep your system 
%classpath% as you have and want it. BUT, put (copy) all the 
resources you need in your webapp in the appropriate directory, 
i.e. WEB-INF/lib or if they are classes to WEB-INF/classes.

Maybe the Application Developers' Guide 
> pathToTomcat/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/index.html
will help you understanding the source organization and the  
process of webapps development including Ant and so on better.


On 27 Nov 2002 at 17:39, Emma Johansson wrote:

> Hi David,
> I thought I had to integrate my classpath on Tomcat so that
> Tomcat is able to use the jar files in my classpath. My web
> service on tomcat should be able to send an ldap message to
> another server. When I try to do this I get the following root
> cause:
>     javax.servlet.ServletException:
>     connectToMur/ConnectToMurService
>         at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(Pag
> eContextImpl.java:497)
>         at
>         org.apache.jsp.processAdd_jsp._jspService(processAdd_jsp.
>         java:96) at
>         org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase
>         .java:136) at
>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:8
>         53) ... ... ...
> I tried to add the two jar files belonging to ldap to
> tomcat_home/common/lib, but I still get the same error message.
> Maybe I need some more paths from my classpath. While I have
> everything in my classpath I don't want to move everything to
> tomcat, I want tomcat to read from the classpath and this way
> find the files. Is this possible?
> Regards,
> Emma
> David Brown wrote:
> > Emma Johansson writes:
> >
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I'm wondering how I should do to make tomcat use the paths
> > > that are in my CLASSPATH?
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > / Emma
> > >
> > >
> > > --
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> >
> >
> > Hello Emma, it should not be necessary to make tomcat use
> > anything in the CLASSPATH. is there some question about whether
> > tomcat is using ur CLASSPATH or not? if tomcat is not using ur
> > CLASSPATH how do u know? more info is required: tomcat version,
> > what r u trying to do? what application have u defined using
> > what implementation?: servlets, jsp, what? david.
> >

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