Do you (or anyone else) happen to have that running on a linux 2.4 distro?
I bookmarked Pier Fumagalli's early post on his success getting it to work
on Solaris
([EMAIL PROTECTED], but it is pretty much general chroot stuff.  I haven't
made the list, yet, of which files need to be copied for Sun JVM 1.4.1_01
(or IBM JVM 1.3.1).  I'm also thinking of using the new bind option to
create read-only mounts of necessary entities, rather than copy.

This seems to be a somewhat FAQ, so if no one else has a directory list or
script to post, I'll probably do it when I've got mine worked out for RH 8.

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Personally, one of my goals is to go the other way and stick
> tomcat into a chroot jail, so that it has access to nothing
> that I don't specifically place into the environment.
>       --- Noel

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