"Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, Vy Ho wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 13:13:36 -0500 (EST)
> > From: Vy Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: RE: Why run tomcat as root
> >
> >
> >
> > Well, assume you're right, then I and many developers have to live with
> > this fact then.
> >
> > I would like to make myself clear abit though.  Whatever decision they
> > made over 40 years about limiting the access to port 0-1024, I dont
> > question, or ask to change, or agree upon or disagree with.  I just
> > if there is something they can do that what they try to protect would
> > work, and the problem we face would be solved.  See the number of
> > to this topic obvious shows that there's some
> > concern/issues/misunderstanding/inconvinience.  Whatever you call it.
> >
> Unix (and Linux) provide mechanisms to deal with this already, without
> changing the root-only restriction for ports < 1024.
> * There's a system call to change your user id (this is what
>   Apache itself does to grab port 80 as root and then switch
>   itself to a non-privileged user before actually doing anything
>   else.)  Doing something like this for Tomcat is technically
>   feasible, but will require a bit of native code and some tweaks
>   to the way that the TCP connectors are started up.

And, I believe that the JavaService code that ships with 4.1.x already does
this (even on *nix boxes).  I don't use it myself, since I only run Tomcat
behind Apache (in which case it only needs access to the non-privileged port

> * There's utilities like ipchains that can automatically forward
>   port 80 connections to some other port (such as one that's not
>   privileged), and optionally implement firewall type access controls
>   as well.
> * You can create a "chroot" environment that limits the scope of
>   things the process can actually get to, even though it thinks it
>   is running as root.
> There's no need to change the root-only restriction to solve this
> "problem".  Adequate mechanisms are already there to accomplish what you
> need.  Use them.
> > My feeling as a developer is that kernel develoeprs would make life
> > better, whether it's a matter of convinient (without sacrafice security
> > whatever else).  Ofcourse, there's other priority that make no body care
> > to this about this issues.  But that is another story.  I think this was
> > asked enough to have a good talk about.  I also thought that this is a
> > relative easy to change in the kernel (for the kernel dev. expert).  I
> > also don't think it would be a security problem or backward compatable
> > problem (since the admin must allow some users to use port 80 for it to
> > work).
> >
> > About the work around terminology, whatever you call it, and I may use
> > wrongly, but I think it's a hassle to do other stuff just for this
> > thing.  You may think it's not a hassle, it's nothing you maysay.  Well,
> > it's users' votes.  When there's enough on one side or another, there's
> > maybe better reason to address it oneway or another (such as do
> >
> > About philosophy, and 40 years of thought.  I think you have a good
> > on the time and all that.  But time change.  Things now are different
> > before.  So, sometimes, changing is not that bad, and people/developers
> > that all the time.  That's how Linux improve every day.
> >
> Change should only happen when existing solutions don't work any more.
> Change for change's sake is a waste of time.
> That is not the case for this scenario, so I'd be amazed if your proposal
> ever gained any traction.  Of course, it's really the Unix and Linux (and
> Windows, because it follows a similar-but-different pattern) developers
> that you'd need to make your arguments to.  There's nothing that Tomcat,
> or Tomcat developers, can do to change this.
> Therefore, I suggest anyone interested take any more discussion of whether
> operating systems should be changed someplace else -- it's off topic for
> TOMCAT-USER.  If you want Tomcat to support running directly on port 80
> without being root, put your enhancement request in to the bug tracking
> system:
>   http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/
> Better yet, attach patches that make the required changes to Tomcat to
> implement this idea.  It'd get implemented a whole lot faster that way.
> Craig

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