I also have a technical background, but not as big as yours. I have been
programming in java por 3 months now. Even before I started programming
I gave tomcat a try to see my options. I have to tell you that getting
tomcat to run and work fine is trivial. That setting up  connection
pooling is just a matter of following the instructions in jakarta's
site, and that setting mod_jk to work, just following the example, took
like 30 minutes... Now, i'm a linux user, i don't know if it's as easy
or not in windows, but if you can't get tomcat running with minimal
effort, then there has to be a problem in your setop that is beyont

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 00:37, Mike DiChiappari wrote:
> Notice that I didn't ask a question JOEL BERGMAN (are you a Jakarta 
> developer).  I simply chimed in when someone else expressed 
> dissatisfaction with this list.  I have been disappointed and 
> frustrated by the **** that is called documentation.  I stopped 
> trying to get tomcat to work properly over a year ago.  Recently I 
> looked into it again, and noticed little to no improvement.
> Note that my background is technical, with over twenty years of 
> building commercial quality software.  I don't believe in a lot of 
> pie-in-the-sky ideals in terms of software development.  I rate 
> software on three important criteria: does it do what it is intended, 
> can it be used easily, and is it maintainable.
> In terms of tomcat, I give it a grade of incomplete on all three of 
> the above.  I can not tell if it does what its supposed to because I 
> can't get it to work with a reasonable amount of effort.
> Here if my contribution to Jarkata and people looking for a low cost 
> Java solution.  Use JRUN (discalimer: I am not affiliated with 
> Macromedia in any way).  It is under $1000 and includes a full J2EE 
> implementation (JSP, servlets, EJB).  It looks like the installer 
> does all the stuff that mod_jk, mod_jk2, and mod_web are supposed to 
> (if anyone could get them to work).  A development version is 
> available for free.
> Mike
> >  > -----Original Message-----
> >>  From: Mike DiChiappari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>  Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:37 PM
> >>  To: Tomcat Users List
> >>  Subject: Re: I donīt understand the objective of this open list !
> >>
> >>
> >>  I know the reason for this list - at least as it applies to Jakarta.
> >>  It is meant to address the complete lack of adequate documentation
> >>  for tomcat.
> >
> >Are you volunteering to write some, Mike DiChiappari?  That is how things
> >get done: someone DOES them.
> >
> >If you don't know enough, you could skim the mailing list looking for
> >questions, finding out when they were answered to the questioner's
> >satisfaction, and using that as your source material.
> >
> >Or do you just want answers to YOUR questions?
> >
> >     --- Noel
> >
> >
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