
>Ok, so this _is_ what I'm basing it on (looking at MS's Task manager).
> still doesn't seem reasonable that the actual memory used is
>> than the limit specified to the JVM. In other words, if I tell the
>"-Xmx512" and the OS Task Mgr is reporting that Tomcat is using 670 MB,
>doesn't this seem like more than just an overhead issue?
>I'm perfectly content if that is in fact the answer, I'm just trying to
>confirm whether or not we have a problem.

It's very difficult to say.  When the JVM gets that big (>500MB), one
expects overhead percentage to go up, not down.  This is true for Sun
JDK 1.3, 1.4 as far as I've observed.  On one of our biggest JVMs, which
is configured with -Xmx1400m, the unix top tool shows ~1300MB as the
size when the Runtime.totalMemory() method indicates ~1000MB total
memory on the heap.  That actually projects fairly consistently
(percentage-wise) with your 670-512 difference.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

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