
I been using 4.1.18 alot lately and i've been frustrated by the fact that i
have to delete the unpacked war file directory  and the war file itself
every time i redeploy.. i beleive there is a way to make tomcat not unpack
the war file .. something lik host unpackWar="false" but i havent tried it


"Gerstel, Rachel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> Could someone please confirm how autoDeploy is supposed to work:
> You put a war file into webapps and then:
> 1.) Either restart the webserver and the war file is unpacked and a
> directory is created.
> or
> 2.) Use the manager tool to deploy the war file - or if the app was
> there, then it can reload it.
> Is it possible for you to copy of war file into webapps and a running
> server will see it is there an automatically deploy it on it's own with no
> intervention?
> And, if the old unpacked app is there and you copy in a new war file and
> restart - does it create a new directory, overwriting the old one. Or
> it only change files that are different from the new war file and the old
> app - or should it see that there is an old app that hasn't been removed
> do nothing?
> I have been reading up on this and then got a developer account that
> differed from what I read so I was wondering if anyone else could clarify
> further.
> Thanks,
> Rachel

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