I want to make sure that I have configured it correctly and it is running
the way it should - for the developers with regard to actually deploying

They want to be able to add a war file into webapps - while the server is
running - and it is automatically deployed with no intervention - either
from a server restart or via the manager.

I found this on the doc page for AutomaticApplicationDeployment(
0Application%20Deployment ):

"In addition to the automatic deployment that occurs at startup time, you
can also request that new XML configuration files, WAR files, or
subdirectories (containing web applications) that are dropped in to the
appBase directory while Tomcat is running will be automatically deployed,
according to the rules described above."

I was told this does happen in NT, but it doesn't seem to be working on my
unix box - host set-up as follows:

      <Host name="coffee" address"ip.is.here" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jamesey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Question about AutoDeployment Feature of 4.1.18


I been using 4.1.18 alot lately and i've been frustrated by the fact that i
have to delete the unpacked war file directory  and the war file itself
every time i redeploy.. i beleive there is a way to make tomcat not unpack
the war file .. something lik host unpackWar="false" but i havent tried it


"Gerstel, Rachel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> Could someone please confirm how autoDeploy is supposed to work:
> You put a war file into webapps and then:
> 1.) Either restart the webserver and the war file is unpacked and a
> directory is created.
> or
> 2.) Use the manager tool to deploy the war file - or if the app was
> there, then it can reload it.
> Is it possible for you to copy of war file into webapps and a running
> server will see it is there an automatically deploy it on it's own with no
> intervention?
> And, if the old unpacked app is there and you copy in a new war file and
> restart - does it create a new directory, overwriting the old one. Or
> it only change files that are different from the new war file and the old
> app - or should it see that there is an old app that hasn't been removed
> do nothing?
> I have been reading up on this and then got a developer account that
> differed from what I read so I was wondering if anyone else could clarify
> further.
> Thanks,
> Rachel

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