I am stumped about how to manage a process.
Here is what I need to do:
I have several "cards". Each card accesses specific data from the database.
Each card accesses a different collection of data from different attributes
of different tables. 
For the user to work with the data (add, update, delete, search) the JSP
file must display the appropriate text boxes and drop down boxes for the
data relevant to that card. This will be different for each card. 

There will be new cards created that will have their own collection of data.
The number of possible new cards is relatively infinite. That is why I can't
do a specific JSP file for each card type: the card types that exist now may
disappear and new ones may appear.

How do I store the names of fields that are relevant to that card so that I
can access them when I need to display data about that particular card? How
do I create new files of relevant fields when I create new cards?

I originally stored an SQL string that selects the relevant fields with the
table that holds other information about the card type. But what do I do
with it then? How do I take that SQL string and turn it into text boxes and
labels and drop down boxes?

Is there a better way of doing this that someone can think of?

Sandra Patricia Hunter
Systems Development and Web Design 

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