he he he, isn't this what you are getting paid to figure out :)

have a wonderful April fools day


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandra Patricia Hunter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 3:55 PM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: Getting pretty far off topic here
> Here's some more info:
> One database, several tables (about twenty).
> The tables hold information about someone who uses the card, a cardholder.
> Each card has a particular type.
> Each card type uses different information, for example one card type may
> need the cardholder's name and address, while another may only
> need to know
> their number.
> For the user (not to be confused with the cardholder) to use the
> system they
> need to be able to work with each kind of card and ONLY the data that is
> relevant to that card.
> The user also needs to be able to add new card types that use particular
> data. This is why I think I need to store the information about
> which fields
> are relevant in a standard way. As new cards are added there needs to be a
> process in place for storing the information about that card.
> I don't know what a rule processor or a rules engine is.
> My sense is that this is not a really complicated problem just one that
> needs a fiendishly clever and simple solution. That's all ;).
> Sandra Patricia Hunter
> Systems Development and Web Design
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mike jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: April 1, 2003 3:42 PM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: Getting pretty far off topic here
> 1) Just to be sure, databases or tables?  Or since it's Oracle,
> do you mean
> different Schemas?  If it's different schemas then I'd create
> synonyms into
> a new schema for each of the different data sources (tables / schemas /
> databases whatever).
> 2) Sounds like you need a rule processor.  If it were me I'd look
> at what's
> common between the different card types, and figure out how to determine
> which card type you are working with.  Then based on the card
> type you have
> a rules engine, which may or may not load custom code for that
> card type.
> Then again this sounds like you have a really elaborate need
> here, it's not
> going to be really easy to point you in a direction unless we
> have a better
> picture of what is going on.
> --mikej
> -=-----
> mike jackson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandra Patricia Hunter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 3:34 PM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: Getting pretty far off topic here
> I am stumped about how to manage a process.
> Here is what I need to do:
> I have several "cards". Each card accesses specific data from the
> database.
> Each card accesses a different collection of data from different
> attributes
> of different tables.
> For the user to work with the data (add, update, delete, search) the JSP
> file must display the appropriate text boxes and drop down boxes for the
> data relevant to that card. This will be different for each card.
> There will be new cards created that will have their own
> collection of data.
> The number of possible new cards is relatively infinite. That is
> why I can't
> do a specific JSP file for each card type: the card types that
> exist now may
> disappear and new ones may appear.
> How do I store the names of fields that are relevant to that card
> so that I
> can access them when I need to display data about that particular
> card? How
> do I create new files of relevant fields when I create new cards?
> I originally stored an SQL string that selects the relevant
> fields with the
> table that holds other information about the card type. But what do I do
> with it then? How do I take that SQL string and turn it into text
> boxes and
> labels and drop down boxes?
> Is there a better way of doing this that someone can think of?
> Sandra Patricia Hunter
> Systems Development and Web Design
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