Yo Creatures of the Radio Ethers,
      Mark down Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 17 & 18 2016,  to operate in the
21st Edition of
The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio
If you haven't heard of this contest consider these 2 actions: 1)  Welcome
to 160M radio
contesting and 2) Mouse your way over to the rule page
Digest the rules intelligently and you'll understand that this contest uses
a combination of
distance between stations and station power to arrive at a score. The
fairest rules in the solar system.
We also emphasize the operator's skill rather than the newest technology as
we prefer
contestors to not use spotting systems but rather the big dial on their
     We also have a plaque system whereby the combatants decide what
categories should be
rewarded by a plaque. Decide what heroic action you'd like to reward with a
plaque, send $60 check
or $63 Paypal to us and you can join the august group listed below. An
email to me will elicit more

KL7RA       Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT          Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA         Top Score S/O China
K7CA          Top Score S/O CQ Zone 24,27 or 28
KH6LC       VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL

     The plaques for the 2015 Edition will be constructed soon as the
Boring Amateur Radio Club
Chief Log Checker is just about finished with his never ending job.
     Start now to get the 14 hours off during the goofiest, busiest time of
the year so that you can
contest with the World's best TopBanders and restore your vital brain
vapors. If you don't know
Morse Code then you have a month to learn it. Get the chores and shopping
done early this year
so that you can participate in this fun and fair contest.
     We were very pleased with the great turnout for the Fall PreStew held
recently. We know for a
fact that some of the antennas used resembled gutters, guy lines, wires in
trees and orthodontic
appliences. Go read about 160M antennas. Elevated radials do not mean wires
on top of Michelins
or Pirellis. Beverages do not mean beer, wine, cocoa or fermented spirits.
Go figure.
    The Boring Amateur Radio Club thanks all the plaque donors for 2015 and
if you'd like to sponsor
the same plaque, just let me know by email. If you're unsure about a plaque
sponsorship just run it
by your spouse or Sunday School teacher and if they don't blush we would
probably accept it as
long as the criteria is reasonable. All decisions by The Boring Amateur
Radio Club Committee
on Plaque Appropriateness are final.
     There will be intermittent missives to the reflectors updating the
expanding plaque list so
that you will have a category to try to win. Plus...It's just good clean
fun radio!
73 and I remain,
   Lew     w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on News
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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