Greetings Contesters or Wannabes of Top Band,
    The ARRL 160M contest is over and was pretty darn good. The
participants have in mind what needs to be done
for the final station systems  preparation for The Stew Perry Top Band DX
Challenge. If you don't have a working system
you have until Dec 17, when the starting gong for The Stew is struck at
Club HQ to brew up one up. You can do it!
     Where else can you sit for hours while it is dark outside listening to
static while picking the sound shrapnel out of the
 cacophony while using physics in its finest form?
     The rules are unique and pretty clear. Go memorize them here:     Read them critically and you'll see contesting
in a different light.
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club sponsors The Stew Perry and the
contestants sponsor plaques to spur on and
reward the combatants for great radio feats performed during The Challenge.
The sponsors and categories listed
below are to be congratulated and thanked for their creativeness and
support. You can become a listed Stalwart
also by emailing me with your plaque idea and the $60 or $63 to make it
happen. You can do it now.

KL7RA       Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT          Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA         Top Score S/O China
K7CA          Top Score S/O CQ Zone 24,27 or 28
KH6LC       VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL
AA6VB       Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol <100W
AA6VB       Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
N6TQ/A25TQ    California Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
    VK0EK         Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc   Top Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UA        Top # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 station
K7FL          Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
K9JWV/WC7S    Top QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top Score,S/O, Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
                       (All parts of temporary antenna including radials
must be
                      installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna must be
the only
                     antenna for TopBand at the station and may be left
                     because as we all know "temporary" means "until I die"
KR2Q            Golden Log Award

K2PO            Top Score, S/O, Low Power Zone 3
N6TR             Top Score, S/O, Hi-Power CN Grid Field
W2GD Team    Top # QSOs, NA/SA by a European Station
VK6VZ       VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
hemisphere stations.
                  Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK baseball

     This year the time until The Stew is very short so please get those
chores and promises done
soon so you can spend an unencumbered night flinging and catching grid
squares from anywhere
that the Laws of Physics allow 160M radio waves to propagate.
     Don't see a category yet that quickens your pulse?  Sponsor one and
perhaps make it personal
with your radio peers. Only the entire 160M radio Community will be
noticing and participating. Just
remember to include what plaques you are competing for in your comments
section of your log submission.
We're pretty good at putting on radio contests but not so hot at mind
    73 and I remain,
     Lew      w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Stew Stuff
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