Greetings TopBanders, LowBanders and Those Who Aren't Sure,
      The minions of The Boring Amateur Radio Club are pleased to remind
you that in roughly 2 weeks
from THIS WEEKEND the 21st Running of The Stew Perry TopBand DX will
happen. That is Dec. 17 &
18 for those with calendarphobia. After you have memorized this epistle
promptly go to:      for the enlightened rules. This contest is
different from other contests. Go read why.
      One of the strengths of The Stew is that the contesters themselves
figure out what major feats of daring
160M radio gymnastics deserve recognition. Listed below are the Radio
Stalwarts who have paid for or are in the
process of sponsoring a plaque. The cost is $60 via check or $63 via
PayPal. That is all you have to do. The heavy
lifting is done by various committee members of The Boring Amateur Radio
Club who cut the trees, plane the wood,
refine the metals and ferment the shellac in order to make the plaques. OK,
so maybe that might not be altogether
accurate but I just go by what my fellow club members tell me.
   What is true and accurate is that the Radio Giants listed below
understand the mysteries and have come forth
to sponsor their particular categories that are near and dear to them. You
can join them by sending an email to me
and explain just what you have in mind to spur on the competitive ether

KL7RA       Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT          Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA         Top Score S/O China
K7CA          Top Score S/O CQ Zone 24,27 or 28
KH6LC       VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL
AA6VB       Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol <100W
AA6VB       Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
N6TQ/A25TQ    California Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
    VK0EK         Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc   Top Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UA        Top # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 station
K7FL          Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
K9JWV/WC7S    Top QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top Score,S/O, Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
                       (All parts of temporary antenna including radials
must be
                      installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna must be
the only
                     antenna for TopBand at the station and may be left
                     because as we all know "temporary" means "until I die"
KR2Q            Golden Log Award
VK6VZ       VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
hemisphere stations.
                  Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK baseball hat

     The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge exists to promulgate fun and to
enhance skills. We encourage
the combatants not to send spots or use spotting systems or RBN or CIA or
FBI. We think it is more fun and
instructive for the operator to use the big knob on the radio and his/her
ears, cunning, guile and wit. If the
only way you can operate is to utilize a spotting system then you will
probably be fitted with a shock collar
in the afterlife at the end of a 1/4 radial. No, really if you must operate
that way declare yourself a M/M
and have fun.
     Our friends at the ARRL have thoughtfully scheduled a CW 160M contest
this very weekend so that
you can practise for The Stew. The ARRL have different rules but variety in
rules is a good thing.
     So if you don't know Morse Code, go learn it so that you can
participate in The 21st edition of
The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio
     Email me now, while you're pondering to sponsor a plaque. Make it up!
That is what makes the world
go around. The time is very short this year.
     73 and I remain,
     Lew    w7ew
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Awareness
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