Yes, as Dave K1WHS noted, very few NA stations on the band last Wednesday
(think I only heard/worked 4), but there were loads of EU stations calling
CQ DX.  (I find that very sad, considering how many NA stations there are
that put out a decent signal on 160m!)

Maybe we'll get a load more people coming on this Wednesday Night (/Thursday
morning) !

To Bob W7RH and Wes N7WS . . . really sorry I couldn't copy you calling me.
Please bear in mind that I live in an ordinary street in the city suburbs,
so sometimes have a fairly high noise level.

Regarding the CQ SSB contest last weekend, conditions were quite poor from
NA . . . could only copy the really big signals, and they were at least 10dB
down on normal (I did at least work everyone I heard, about 15 stations)

73 Roger G3YRO

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