Dave was originally G3SZA . . . he lived just two miles from me when I first
was an SWL, aged 12.

He was already working DX on 160m back then (1967), as was another local/old
friend of mine, Mike G3SED.  They both helped and inspired me, and are the
reason I became interested in DX-ing on 160m as soon as I got my full
licence 2 years later, when I was old enough (14).

Dave was so strong at my QTH back then that not only could I hear him
underneath myself (monitoring on my muted receiver), he even moved my SWR
bridge with the voltage he put in my antenna ! (thank goodness I had an
all-valve receiver that suffered no blocking or intermod problems)

He was a rising star with IBM here in Britain, and they persuaded him to
move to the USA. He later worked for (or ran?) Alpha Amplifiers before

Dave really is a great guy, still passionate about Top Band . . his 160m
setup as AA0RS in Colorado is fantastic, and I have regularly worked him on
160m over the years from there.

Roger G3YRO

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