I heard a ZL on CW last night but never got a callsign and then they were gone.  Moved to FT8 and was able to work ZL4AS with a -18.  He was hearing me much better.  Made some other CQ's and nothing.

KV0Q was on for the CQ 160 CW as was K0RF.  KV0Q is pretty close to me.  I think he did a single 80 for the ARRL CW.


On 2/27/2020 6:58 AM, George Taft via Topband wrote:
  While I assumed the band was open NA/EU, the interest seemed to be 
north/south, last evening, with VP8PJ and CP6/DK7PE active. Rudi had a nice 
(but small) pile going most of the evening. The VP8 operation seems to perk 
from 03Z until their SR.

Confess I did not call CQ toward EU. With limited time, the concentration was 
with SA.

73 George W8UVZ

      On Thursday, February 27, 2020, 08:30:21 AM EST, 
<lennart.michaels...@telia.com> wrote:
I agree with you Roger!

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Topband <topband-bounces+lennart.michaelsson=telia....@contesting.com>
För Roger Kennedy
Skickat: den 27 februari 2020 13:47
Till: topband@contesting.com
Ämne: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

Well I came on a couple of times last night, but gave up after an hour each

The band was certainly open as my RBN reports were good.

There were other Europeans on Calling CQ too . . . but very few NA stations
on. I only worked a handful, and reports were good both ways.

It saddens me the lack of CW activity on 160 !

Roger G3YRO

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