
We are waiting for activity from America ...

And where is the activity of Europe?

Everything is very difficult.

People are aging soul.

Moral crisis...

And this is not only in amateur radio ..

There are thousands of stars in Hollywood, but no good movies.

Money money money....

Well, or new countries on DXCC -: ((

But somehow it’s necessary to live anyway ..

Nick, UY0ZG

Roger Kennedy писал 2020-03-18 17:29:
Well I'm still trying to promote this, for all the people who say there's
very little CW activity these days !

Conditions have been pretty good lately . . . so I wonder if we'll get many
NA stations on the band tonight?

(I keep hearing EU stations calling CQ DX, but getting no replies, even
though the band is open !)

73 Roger G3YRO

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