Thank you Michael for your feedback! I have the same inhibitions as Irene, and 
yet we need to keep spreading the word. Best, -j

From: <> On 
Behalf Of Irene Polikoff
Sent: 25 March 2020 16:38
Subject: Re: [topbraid-users] question on restriction

Yes, agree. The actual meaning of OWL cardinality restrictions (given the Open 
World and Non Unique Name assumptions) and what would happen once you have data 
is yet another topic.

I intentionally did not say anything about this because I think I already said 
in the past something like “it does not really mean what you expect it does + 
you would need a DL reasoner which are not commercially available + you will 
likely to be surprised by results, anyhow -> use SHACL instead”. I did not want 
to continue to sound like a broken record :)

On Mar 25, 2020, at 11:03 AM, Michael DeBellis 
<<>> wrote:

"Also, in OWL, constraints are constraints on classification, not constraints 
on specifying values of properties. It is often precisely the people who are 
slow in starting with SHACL that are not fully aware of this.  "

I just want to say how strongly I agree with what Jan said. I've used OWL much 
more than SHACL and until recently I was one of those people who was "slow in 
starting with SHACL" and didn't really understand why it was so essential to 
use SHACL rather than OWL to express sata integrity constraints. It was only 
when I started using knowledge graphs and OWL on a really large scale project 
that I saw why SHACL makes so much more sense for such constraints. As Jan 
pointed out for one thing OWL has the Open World Assumption (OWA) so some 
constraints such as "ssnNumber must have a value" are impossible to even define 
in OWL. But perhaps even more important is that if an OWL reasoner finds a 
contradiction (e.g., a data property is typed for xsd:integer and has a literal 
value) that is a contradiction and the reasoner is useless until that 
contradiction is resolved. For very large data this is a big problem because it 
is almost inevitable that some of your data is going to violate some of your 
constraints and you don't want to have the reasoner be useless until every 
contradiction is resolved. You need something like SHACL that reports on the 
violations rather than a reasoner which creates an inconsistent (and hence 
useless for reasoning) ontology.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 7:01 AM Jan Voskuil 
<<>> wrote:
Also, in OWL, constraints are constraints on classification, not constraints on 
specifying values of properties. It is often precisely the people who are slow 
in starting with SHACL that are not fully aware of this.

Even with simple cardinality specified to exactly 1, a resource can have none 
or many values for the property. It just falls outside the definition of the 
class. Violations are not violations of a constraint, but contradictions 
between two or more propositions, neither of which is contested. Therefore, in 
standards that intend to express data constraints, SHACL should be used and not 
OWL. -j

<<>> On 
Behalf Of Irene Polikoff
Sent: 25 March 2020 14:41
Subject: Re: [topbraid-users] question on restriction

Can you use cardinality instead of qualified cardinality? Depends on what you 
want to say.

Qualified cardinality 1, as you probably know, means that exactly 1 value has 
to be decimal, other values can be of another data type. While simple 
cardinality says that the total number of values, irrespective of what kind, 
has to be 1.

On Mar 25, 2020, at 4:21 AM, 'Bohms, H.M. (Michel)' via TopBraid Suite Users 
<<>> wrote:

I know, the question was specifically for OWL.
Some of the involved parties have tools  that do not support SHACL.

We cannot force them (now) to SHACL-only mode.

Can I do:
  rdf:type owl:Class ;
  rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
  rdfs:subClassOf [
      rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
      owl:allValuesFrom xsd:decimal ;
      owl:onProperty rdf:value ;
    ] ;
  rdfs:subClassOf [
      rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
      owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
      owl:onProperty rdf:value ;
    ] ;
  skos:prefLabel "kwantiteitwaarde"@nl ;
  skos:prefLabel "quantity value"@en ;

With same effect?

Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Böhms
Senior Data Scientist

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Namens Holger Knublauch
Verzonden: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 8:47 AM
Onderwerp: Re: [topbraid-users] question on restriction

Hi Michel,
we have (long) moved away from OWL 2 and suggest to use SHACL for these use 
cases. The example with rdf:value looks like sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; 
sh:datatype xsd:decimal.

On 25/03/2020 17:25, 'Bohms, H.M. (Michel)' via TopBraid Suite Users wrote:
Ahhhh, ok!

The next question would than be: why is that?
Isn’t the example a valid case?

In the primer I see only qualifiedCardinality examples with “onClass”.....maybe 
this simply should not work for qualified datatype properties?

Any other way to say that my class has exactly one attribute with type 
Like normal cardinality + some or all valuesfrom?

Thx a lot,

Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Böhms
Senior Data Scientist

T +31888663107
M +31630381220

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Namens Holger Knublauch
Verzonden: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 11:09 PM
Onderwerp: Re: [topbraid-users] question on restriction

This OWL 2 feature is only superficially supported by TopBraid and will not be 
supported in the future.

On 25/03/2020 05:07, 'Bohms, H.M. (Michel)' via TopBraid Suite Users wrote:
  rdf:type owl:Class ;
  rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
  rdfs:subClassOf [
      rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
      owl:onClass xsd:decimal ;
      owl:onProperty rdf:value ;
      owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    ] ;
  skos:prefLabel "kwantiteitwaarde"@nl ;
  skos:prefLabel "quantity value"@en ;

Someone said: red should be owl:onDatatype but when I do that I get error 
missing class:

Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Böhms
Senior Data Scientist

T +31888663107
M +31630381220

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