On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 10:22 PM, Yawning Angel <yawn...@schwanenlied.me> wrote:
> In terms of prioritization, ensuring all existing traffic isn't
> subject to later decryption is far more important

I'd think so as you could adapt around other things, but
a traffic decrypt seems quite bad, especially given how
much is stored in purpose built agency farms for later action,
and how who's talking to who is perhaps already known.

> Additionally, without AVX2, signing is glacially slow, clocking in at
> ~200 ms on an Haswell i5.  The same hardware does our existing ntor
> handshake in ~230 usec.

Haswell i5 seems to have AVX2, as do all Haswell's,
perhaps you refer to Ivy Bridge i5's which do not...

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