Zhenfei Zhang <zzhang@...> writes:

>     2.2.2 Handshake
>       To perform the handshake, the client needs to know an identity key
>       for the server, and an ntor onion key (a curve25519 public key) for that
>       server. Call the ntor onion key "B".
>       The client generates a temporary key pair:
>         x, X        = KEYGEN();
>       an NTRU temporary key pair:
> *       QSSK, QSPK  = QSKEYGEN();
>       and generates a client-side handshake with contents:
>         NODEID      Server identity digest  [ID_LENGTH   bytes]
>         KEYID       KEYID(B)                [H_LENGTH    bytes]
>         CLIENT_PK   X                       [G_LENGTH    bytes]
> *       QSPK        QSPK                    [QSPK_LENGTH bytes]
>       The server generates an ephemeral curve25519 keypair:
>         y, Y        = KEYGEN();
>       a ephemeral "parallel" secret for encryption with NTRU:
> *       PAR_SEC     P                       [H_LENGTH    bytes]
>       and computes:
> *       C           = ENCRYPT( P | B, QSPK);
>       Then it uses its ntor private key 'b' to compute an ECC secret
>         E           = EXP(X,y) | EXP(X,b) | B | X | Y
>       and computes:
> *       secret_input    = E | P | QSPK | ID | PROTOID
> #pre    secret_input    = E | ID | PROTOID
>         KEY_SEED        = H(secret_input, t_key)
>         verify          = H(secret_input, t_verify)
> *       auth_input      = verify | B | Y | X | C | QSPK
>                           | ID | PROTOID | "Server"
> #pre    auth_input      = verify | B | Y | X | ID | PROTOID | "Server"
>       The server's handshake reply is:
>         SERVER_PK       Y                       [G_LENGTH     bytes]
>         AUTH            H(auth_input, t_mac)    [H_LENGTH     bytes]
> *       QSCIPHER        C                       [QSPK_LENGTH  bytes]
>       The client then checks Y is in G^*, and computes
>         E               = EXP(Y,x) | EXP(B,x) | B | X | Y
> *       P'              = DECRYPT(C, QSSK)
>       extract P,B from P' (P' = P|B), verifies B, and computes
> *       secret_input    = E | P | QSPK | ID | PROTOID
> #pre    secret_input    = E | ID | PROTOID
>         KEY_SEED        = H(secret_input, t_key)
>         verify          = H(secret_input, t_verify)
> *       auth_input      = verify | B | Y | X | C | ID | PROTOID | "Server"
> #pre    auth_input      = verify | B | Y | X | ID | PROTOID | "Server"
>       The client verifies that AUTH == H(auth_input, t_mac).
>       Both parties now have a shared value for KEY_SEED. This value will
be used
>       during Key Derivation Function - KDF-RFC5869 (see 5.2.2 tor-spec.txt)

I'm trying to understand the hybrid protocol that's described here.
The server generates the parallel secret PAR_SEC or P and then computes C  =
The client decrypts C to get P and then uses it combination with the ECC
secret E: secret_input = E | P | QSPK | ID | PROTOID

So E is secret, P is generated by the server, QSPK ID and PROTOID are all
public. So IF ECC is broken and IF the server has been compromised (big
IF's!) then everything is known.

I guess my point is that the client isnt contributing any secret information
to the quantum-safe part of KEY_SEED. Is that OK?

-- lukep

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