
I work with big data analytics, implementing traffic analysis and pinpointing 
the location of servers is a trivial task given a global view.  The obvious 
solution is to make one of those ends invisible ensuring a comparison cannot be 

Given the scale of this obviousness, I can only assume that you're a sock 
puppet for an intelligence agency who has started to panic about the network 
going truly dark.

Deal with it.


Mark McCarron

> Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:02:25 +1000
> From: z...@freedbms.net
> To: tor-talk@lists.torproject.org
> Subject: Re: [tor-talk] Illegal Activity As A Metric of Tor Security and      
> Anonymity
> On 6/29/14, Mark McCarron <mark.mccar...@live.co.uk> wrote:
> > I understand everyone's feelings here and tempers can run hot.  Firstly, not
> I don't know that you do. In fact you continue to generalise
> "everyone's", which has to be false. I haven't seen much in the way of
> tempers in this thread, just patient pointing out flaws in assertions
> you have made.
> > Right now we have a situation where National Security concerns are trumping
> > everything and that is certainly not the basis for a free world.  I don't
> > know about the rest of you, but I'd rather face the enemy than hide like a
> > coward jumping at every shadow.  I grew up with terrorism and the cold war,
> > with the very distinct possibility of dying.  I rather run the risk of been
> > blown to pieces, or shot, than support a stasi-like spy state that will
> > protect me.  Throwing away freedom to safe-guard against possible threats is
> > no way to go through life, in the end, it means you have lost your nation.
> > It means you did the enemy's work, which is by any measure a form treason.
> I agree with your sentiment. Wholeheartedly.
> > Anyway, we have a simple solution to this global view and hidden services.
> You did it again! Generalisation/ assertion. Call it hand-waving, call
> it whatever.
> > We just implement a distributed hosting solution within the Tor system and
> > end-to-end visibility is gone.
> So simple! Why didn't _I_ think of it?!
> You assume simplicity. You assume possible solution exists! (It may,
> but you sure haven't done a damn thing to improve the situation - no,
> baseless moaning does not help!)
> You _are_ hand-waving your assertions at the guys who have been trying
> to solve these problems, and solving some of them, over many years
> now.
> You have not demonstrated that you have read even _one_ of the freehaven 
> papers.
> You point your finger at "a simple solution" as though no one has
> thought of "that particular solution" before, and what? you expect
> everyone to collectively slap their foreheads and say "oh brother
> Mark, thank you for your omniscient wisdom and guidance"!
> You are coming across as:
> - naive
> - unwilling to acknowledge responses to your statements
> - unwilling to read/ learn what you need to to contribute meaningfully
> to the discussion
> - someone who makes endless unfounded and fact-less assertions
> - targetting people, some of whom have significant _actual_ experience
> implementing and researching this stuff over many years
> Overall, this is very disrespectful! The responses to you have been
> humorous, and sincere. You couldn't ask for more dignified responses.
> The conclusions about you are getting pretty hard to fault at this stage.
> I suggest you save some dignity and demonstrate a genuine attempt to
> contribute meaningfully in any way.
> Zenaan
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