On Fri, 10 Jun 2016, grarpamp wrote:

> BT client of choice. Similarly though a bit harder within I2P etc.

FTR there are I2P plugins for a vast range of external clients and
even an embedded new client. Oh and BTW there is even a C++
reimplementation of I2P.

why "a bit harder"? look this is what really sets me off in Tor: the
posture of it being an "easy solution" to everything.

Please, lets be frank. I2P supports torrenting on its network since
many years and it works perfectly fine. Beyond that nice, there is no
need for Tor to push more "marketing" to race above "competitors". The
mainstream battle is already won, if there was any. The vision on the
linked gist to conquer a new fronteer to bring more relays to Tor: BS!

To my eyes and those of many others, Tor would be much more credible
if it would acknowledge and respect boundaries. There are
implementations out there that are way less... "institutionalized" and
work perfectly fine for specific uses. Such niches shouldn't be up for
grabs whenever it comes handy, we shouldn't ignore specialized
implementations even if they aren't marketed as Tor. Centralizing all
in one network doesn't do good to anyone.

So now, because of torrenting, is I2P the next Tor? I don't think so.
But I think it would be honest for us to point out people in the
direction of best implementations and there is no doubt that I2P is
the best for torrents.

Hype, marketing and competitive behaviour has never done any good to
F/OSS projects and less than ever to crypto projects, IMHO. and I know
you aren't a shiller grarpamp, hoping you don't take it personal.


~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil    http://Dyne.org think &do tank
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