"M. Sean Gilligan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Hi Henning,

>Thanks again for your help.  (I got sidetracked for a few days.)


no prob.

>>>>I remember this from a dim and distant past. It was some serialization
>>>>issue. Can you please look into your catalina.out and maybe look into the
>>>>list archives?
>>>Hi Henning.
>>>Thanks for your response.
>>>What do you mean by a "serialization issue"?
>>Your container probably tries to save the existing session on a
>>restart (because reloading your webapp is nothing but a restart of
>>your application) and falls over its feets. When it comes up again,
>>its session information is incomplete and you get strange errors.

>What would Torque have to do with the Http session?  I don't understand the 
>connection here.

The container serializes the state of your application. Which means,
that it might serialize the state of the MapBuilders, connection
factories and so on. As I said, I remember this dimly so I wasn't sure
that this is the same issue.

>>Try the following thing. I assume now, that you use Tomcat5:
>>- open your tomcat/conf/server.xml file
>>- look for the <Context> element for your application.
>>- if you don't have one, you must create one. The result should look like
>>  this:
>><Context path="/your-app-here" reloadable="true">
>>   <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager"
>>            distributable="false" pathname="" />
>>Important is the 'pathname=""'
>>Stop Tomcat. Nuke the contents of the work/ and the temp/
>>directory. Start again. See if the problem vanishes. If yes, you have
>>a serialization issue with Torque.

>I did what you said and the problem did not go away.  To be clear: the problem 
>is fixed by a restart of Tomcat and only occurs when you reload the webapp 
>after it has been loaded once.  I followed your instructions (which included a 
>restart of Tomcat) tried to login once and it worked, the restarted the webapp 
>and tried to login again and got the same stack trace.

Ok. So it does not seem to be this. At this point, a debugger might be
your best friend to find the root cause of this problem.

>Any further information and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have no immediate ideas; opening a bug report so this won't be
forgotten might be a good thing, though.


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