
The download site for libxml2 python bindings (http://users.skynet.be, see 
build.txt and doc/readme.txt) seems to be discontinued, reference [1]. 

I have tried to find another distribution but only found another site that 
is due to be discontinued [2].

Any ideas on how to proceed from here? I guess moving to Python3 would be a 
good step and there has been some commits (r29299) however xml2po still 
seems to require Python2 (the original script is "obsolete" according to 
[3] but there seems to be a Py3 version, however our script is heavily 
modified). Any other scripts that are not Py3 compatible?


[2] https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
[3] https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/damned-lies/-/issues/228

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