thomsens wrote:
>> So they were forced to announce that it would be coming. They did not
>> want to.

> The distinction is unannounced vs. announced.  You don't usually go
> dark on announced products.  They messed this one up.  If they had to
> pre-announce, it seems to me they should have mitigated the holiday
> season.  They did not, so that's more than one mistake in my mind.

You are missing the point. A distributor/retailer screwed up and sold a
Touch before it was announced, before Logitech had trained its support
staff, and way before the software was ready.

The "its coming" was not an announcement, it was just an admission of
what was known publicly. They could no longer claim it didn't exist when
a user had one and was trying to get help on the support number and here
on these forums.

> Lots of companies pre-announce in order to stall other company's sales.

Not many since Osborne killed itself by announced and freezing its own
sales to the point of bankruptcy.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

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