iPhone;495863 Wrote: 
> Nobody said the Touch will run or work as an NAS. The Touch is NOT an
> NAS. An NAS is a box with low power CPU that acts as a file server IE
> Network Attached Storage. The Touch in TinySC mode currently only
> recognizes the first drive it sees. On the network, one can transfer
> files to this "attached" drive but one can't put a USB hub on Touch and
> have it scan and use 4 attached drives. Yes one can attach and use a hub
> with Touch but currently it will only see and scan the first USB drive.
> Again, if one needs an NAS then build a PC to use as a dedicated Music
> Server. Or buy something like a Vortexbox Appliance. The Touch using
> TinySC is a great way to play music from a single USB Drive, Stick, or
> music brought over by friends for a party. It is not an end all solution
> for not having a dedicated Music Server or NAS for those with large
> music collections. The Touch is very versatile but not meant to replace
> an SBS Server if that is required due to ones library size. If one has
> under 2 GB of files and wants to use a large USB drive, it will work if
> a single drive is used.

Firstly let me state I'm not trying to cause trouble, I am simply
trying to understand the capability's and pro's of cons of configuring
the touch in a certain way which I understand is not how its necessarily
designed to be used.

>From what I have read the usb drive you attach you the touch will be
available as a samba share so essentially a network file server (IE.

I don't need to use a USB HUB if I took up a 1/2Tb drive to it. I only
have about 30Gb of music which I will be using and I would like to use
the touch as a one for all device, I dont want to waste money on a
vortex box or a NAS if i don't need too and in all honesty i wouldn't
use the samba share extensively, just for scheduled backups etc at a
time where i wouldn't be using it as a music server.

In terms of the remark you make about 2GB's of files, what is the
relevance of this figure? again I'm not questioning you or picking
holes? I'm purely trying to understand.


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