>You shut it down by pulling the plug, its designed for that.
I'm not so sure about that. The power cable is right next to the USB socket, 
which is kind of awkward at best.

I find inserting/extracting a USB stick quite awkward (especially as I tend to 
do unintended actions on the touch screen whilst turning the device around to 
work out what way round the USB stick is meant to be inserted).

I think that pulling the power cord out and back in is going to cause a bit of 
wear over time.  It reminds me of my ZX Spectrum days :-(

I can't understand why there's still no physical device On/Off power switch.  
Every device in the world has one, except Squeezeboxes.  TV's, HiFi equipment, 
mobile phones, iPods...

There is a reset button, which I wasn't aware of at first - it sits just above 
the power socket, a tiny slightly recessed round microswitch.  So if the device 
locks up, you can press it to power cycle, or hold in for a while to do a 
factory reset.

But I still like to power the device off every so often, eg, when I know I'm 
going to be away for a week or so.
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