Polar;498177 Wrote: 
> Besides listening to my favorite internet radiostations (presently
> stored under favorites)I play - as said - only my own music collection.
> Does the Touch also provide a menu (like the Duet) where you can:
> 1)select your stored favorites  
> 2)select random play of the own music collection (stored on a connected
> USB stick) and does it also display the corresponding artwork on the
> screen?
> WITHOUT having to install software on a computer or disk station (or
> better: without the need of a computer or disk station)?


You can plug a USB hard drive into the Touch.

Doing so will start up "Tiny SBS".  (It even did so when I plugged in
my cell phone to charge the other day...)

That 'Tiny SBS' is mostly the same as 'real' SBS, major points missing:
web UI and transcoding.

It will gladly act as a server for other Squeezebox type devices (ie,
SB2/3/Class/Receiver/Controller/Transporter/Boom/Radio and other

So, yes, you can turn off your PC and still have access to any music
that is plugged into the Touch.  You'd still need a computer at some
point to rip or download new files (which you can drag to the Touch), or
to make backups (you don't want to redo everything when your HD dies)
but day to day operation doesn't need a PC.

Again, yes, a Touch can act as a server for a Duet.

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