Boulderguy;533028 Wrote: 
> The touchscreen is obvious of course. Specifically, I'm curious about
> things like this -  
It's in my bathroom now and I love it there because it's the only one
of my Squeezeboxes on which I really don't _have to_ use a remote -
which is what I need in a bathroom.

So from a usability perspective it's really good, though the only other
Squeezebox I sometimes use the built-in UI on is the Radio in the
kitchen, on all others I only control them remotely, music selection is
purely remotely (iPeng, obviously) except for the Touch.
> How does the use of a USB HD compare to using the SB server software? 
> Does it eliminate the 2-10 sec delays so common with the server? 
> Having the music collection reside on the SB is my primary motivation
> for getting a touch, is it worth it?
Don't know what server you use. If it's a decent one (not ReadyNAS or
something) and you still seeing these delays something else is going on
which will probably not be fixed by the Touch.

The server on the Touch is faster than a NAS and slower than a PC or
fast server. It's well usable.
If you _really_ want to go fast, get the 7.6 beta, that's the Touch's
server for "big" systems.
> How does the user interface compare to the SB3 in terms of
> intuitiveness & friendliness?  For instance, is it readable from across
> the room?  Does it use the same menus & format?
Menus are different, but as much as I still love my SB3 I never
considered it usable using it's own UI. Touch is much better.

Readability across the screen is still better on the SB3 but the Touch
looks much cooler with the big cover art.
Especially if you use all the cool screen savers one can build with
Erland's CustomClock Applet
> If I'm listening at nite with the lites off, is the Touch going to
> light up the room with it's screen?
Face it: yes. I can leave out the light in my bathroom and find my
> Any "usability" quirks, headaches or assets that aren't obvious before
> owning a touch?
You have to keep in mind how the server works or you are going to be
confused: If you plug in a USB stick (or disc) it first scans the
library before showing stuff in the menus. Unfortunately it doesn't
talk about that at all so if you don't know what it's doing you can
easily think it doesn't work correctly.
That's quite confusing, I believe
> What's your favorite thing (compared to SB3)?
That it's got a screen that is big enough to be able to actually find
music on the device.
> Least favorite?
That the display doesn't get dark
> The thing you wish you knew before getting it?
Nothing. It's much better than what I expected it to be.

Audio Quality: I find it to be better than the SB3, which also came as
a surprise to me yet frankly I believe both are good enough and it's
easier (and more rewarding) to tweak the rest of your Audio chain.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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