servies wrote:
> pfarrell;537322 Wrote: 
>> I don't see it as important, but I can understand why a company would
>> want to stay as far away from the GPL virus license as possible.
> To such a company I would say: "Start writing your own os/whatever and
> stop profiting from the -free- work of others without giving back..."
> I see the GPL more like an antibiotic against parasites.

Well, this thread has quickly gone of into the weeds, as to most
discussions of Stallman's religion.

Cultures and economies improve when there is specialization of labor.
Some farm, some are blacksmiths, some bakers, some retailers.

There are lots of Free Software licenses out there. Apache's, BSD's and
MITs are examples of free licenses that are free of the Stallman virus.

The proof that Stallman is right on everything is clear, since we are
all running Gnu/Hurd.

Pat Farrell

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