My Touch seems to be behaving differently each time I use it. I updated
the firmware initially but am now using it 'offline' just plugging a
external HDD into it and playing FLACs direct from there with no
Ethernet or wifi.

1# It won't turn off! It won't power down at all no matter what I do. I
turn the HDD off when I am finished using it and then have to pull the
power cable out the back of the Touch, there is no other way. I have
found the small power button above the power socket on the back which
turns it off but it just powers itself up again after 4 seconds (even
when the HDD isn't plugged in) and it wont even go onto standby, has
anyone else encountered this issue?

2# When I turn it back on again sometimes it gives me an option to run
without a network connection, but sometimes it just has the wired or
wireless options to choose from. I often have to keep re-starting a few
times before getting the run without network option. There is no global
setting to turn off the network connection in the main menu, this would
be great for people like me who want to use it as a stand alone player!

3# Once I have managed to get to this stage it sometimes just doesn't
recognise my HDD at all. Again I have to just turn the HDD off and on
and sometimes power down the Touch a few times before it will without
warning just find my HDD again.

All these things strike me as being the kind of software glitches I was
hoping would have been ironed out during the long release delay which I
gather was just to glitch fix. I have been looking through this and
other forums and havn't really seen these particular problems listed,
is it just me or is anyone else having the same problems.

No problems with playback of 24 bit FLACs and sound quality is
brilliant on a positive side!

Thanks for any help and or advice in advance.


Dave (Northumberland)
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