First, I have to say that I have a SB3, which has been working extremely
well for the last years. It's certainly the best audio kit I have ever
bought, and I had bought a lot. 

So I have been eagerly waiting for the Touch, especially because of the
embedded server and 24/94 capability. Unfortunately, I have to say I'm
having an horrible experience:

- I have an external drive with 120GB of music (with its own power
supply). The embedded server fails, I would say, 4 out of 5 times it
tries to scan the drive. Most of the times it blocks for no obvious
reason. No error messages, nothing. 

- As others have already said, 24/96 does not work with the embedded
server (I converted all my FLACs to 0 compression, but they still do
not work). 24/44 and 24/48 have no problems. 

- I then tried using a 8GB SD card. This one works ok. The problem is
that I cannot switch between the SD and the USB without stopping and
re-lauching the server. 

- By the way, the same problem seems to occur if I try to switch from
the SD to the wireless network. Most of the times I have to remove the
card and restart the server. 

- In the end I gave up on using the embedded server, the main reason
that lead me to buy the Touch.

- I also tried using After several attempts (for some
unknown reason the squeezebox server seems to loose the password), I
could use it. The problem, again, was switching back to the squeezebox
server. The Touch insists on connecting to! The only
workaround I found was resetting the squeezebox server and resetting
the Touch while disconnecting the network cable linking the router to
the internet. 

- And finally, iPeng is also not working, apparently not because of
iPeng but because of some incompatibility between the squeezebox
server, Touch and ( says the Touch is

So, my summary: Be careful. If you really really want to buy the Touch
(which  I cannot recommend at this stage), you better keep streaming
from your computer and forget about any fancy functionality. 

Someone at Logitech has made a terrible mistake. They should have
marketed the Touch as a color PS4 and block the USB and SD interfaces
until the software is ready.

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