I see a lot of comments here in the forums claiming that the sound
quality of the Touch is superior than that from the Duet (which I
currently have).

If I'm reading these correctly, people seem to be saying that even when
using the digital output from each model, the Touch still delivers
better quality than the Duet. This doesn't make sense to me, and I'm
hoping people can shed some light my way.

My understanding was that when streaming, say, flac files from a pc,
then passing them through the Duet, outputting optically into a stand
alone external DAC, the stream remains essentially untouched by the
Duet. It doesn't do any processing, simply passing the bitstream to the
external DAC to do it's thing, and then send the analogue signal to my
amp etc.

The digital stream enters the Duet from the pc and exits optically via
TOSLINK unaltered. Is this wrong?

If it's not wrong, and the Touch is basically doing only the same
thing, why would the Touch be producing a better sound?

In this kind of set up the Duet or Touch are acting solely as a user
interface, allowing me to browse my library, start and stop tracks etc,
all of the business of actually processing the sound is done by other
components in my hifi system. The Duet or Touch are just basically
telling Squeeze Server which track to play, then it gets passed though
to my hifi to do the real work, so why would we see a difference in
sound quality?

Any comments or thoughts welcome...

My set up:

PC with lossless flac library, running Squeeze Server (ethernet cable
to) --> Duet (TOSLINK optical out to) --> CA DACmagic DAC (Balanced XLR
cables to) --> Primare I30 amplifier --> Monitor Audio Speakers

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