How did you connect the internal WD drive to the Touch? Was it a SATA
drive or an older PATA drive? Did you use a USB-SATA or USB-PATA
converter? If so, which brand? I've used a USB-PATA converter, and that
worked OK but was super slow, especially with a 4200 rpm drive.

OTOH, using an internal WD drive means you may not have powered the
drive with an AC adapter. In my testing, not using an AC adapter will
cause the drive to spin up/spin down intermittently. -This appears to
the Touch software as if you're unplugging and replugging the drive in
and out of the USB connector. - 

I've seen some postings on the forums say that not using an external AC
power adapter is OK, but we've received a lot of customer support calls
from people who do this and then wonder why it doesn't work. *An
external power adapter or supply is mandatory for USB hard drives
plugged into the Squeezebox Touch. *

So, the root of your issues with the internal WD drive could be:

1. Funky USB to drive converter, and/or
2. No AC adapter on your internal WD hard drive.



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