metalbob;563604 Wrote: 
> I've had this issue as well.  I've found it somewhat discouraging to be
> honest.  I've been using my Touch mostly with Rhapsody and internet
> radio.  I didn't seem to have a problem when running SBS off my MacBook
> Pro, just directly USB connection to the Touch.  People keep posting
> links to the update SBS software, but these are all for running off a
> computer/server, not Touch SBS software from what I can tell.  
> Any issues I've had with Rhapsody, I would blame on Rhapsody.  Using
> the Touch interface has less issues than streaming it on my MacBook
> Pro.

The builtin server is part of the Touch firmware. So in order to get a
new version of the builtin server you have to get a new firmware
package for the Touch. Unfortunately I have not found a 7.5.2 Touch
firmware. There is 7.5.1 and 7.6. There is a directory for 7.5.2
firmware, but what is in there is 7.5.1. So if you want to try
something new it looks like you have to go with 7.6. 

There are two ways to get new Touch firmware:

If you have an external server on your network, upgrade it, then point
the Touch at this server and the Touch will automatically upgrade its
firmware (including the builtin server) to that version. At this point
you don't need the external server anymore, you can now run off the
upgraded internal server.
Go to   (for 7.6)
download fab4.bin. Put it on a USB stick or SD card. Unplug the Touch.
Insert the USB stick or SD Card. Power up the Touch. After its booted
go to the update firmware menu and you should now have a "Update from
media" entry. Select that and it will install the firmware from the USB
or SD. It will reboot as part of the update process. At that point eject
the media, unplug it. Plug in the USB disk. You should now be running
the new version of the server.

John S.

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