Mnyb;571079 Wrote: 
> Don't do any custom file type settings these are not neccesary mowday's
> If you want to be sure that transcoding work's .
> Yes in a sync group every player gets the same stream (how else to sync
> ?) so the server tries to provide 24/48 for all players.
> This normally works fine, with default file types setting. It can work
> in some other cases to but then you need to know what your are doing.
> Cases that won't work .
> When the Touch itself is the server, it wont transcode does not got the
> horsepowers for it .
> The server is to weak (read older NAS models with non x86 cpu) .
> Btw what is the file format of the hirez, FLAC is the safest bet to get
> it to work imho.

I actually try to avoid transcoding entirely, keeping everything in
native WAV from iTunes to the player to its digital output. The reason
for this being that I have quite a number of long orchestra pieces that
I listen to and like to fast forward or rewind during some passages to
hear them again. Same with some normal lengthed songs. When transcoded,
I can't fast forward/rewind and that takes away some of the joy of
listening/discovering my music. Therefore, since storage isn't a
problem for me, all my files are in full WAV.

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