Phil Leigh;571774 Wrote: 
> Well OK - lets say "obsolete" then :-) You'll struggle to buy one new
> these days. There won't be a widespread 16-bit DAC revival anytime
> soon..

Well, not so much struggle to find one, as need to have to have deep

Phil Leigh;571774 Wrote: 
> NOS Dac's are a niche rebellion. I find the stance of the handful of
> vendors that do still sell such things rather bizarre. It's like they
> just don't believe that the world has moved on - or even that it
> should! It's a curious anti-pattern that seems more prevalent in audio
> than any other field. The new stuff is always "worse" than the previous
> stuff.

I'm sure people like Peter Qvotrup and Thorsten Loesch are well aware
that the "world has moved on". ;) Technological progress has other
drivers. eg. cutting costs.

Phil Leigh;571774 Wrote: 
> I mean, would you forego HDTV? Digital imaging? Double glazing?

Of course not. If I can leverage it and I perceive that it is an
improvement on what went before it, then I'm all for it.

Phil Leigh;571774 Wrote: 
> It's exactly the same as when 78's were replaced by microgroove 33's.
> Backward compatability was required for a decade or so, and IIRC no-one
> believed the new decks made their old 78's sound better. Eventually,
> 78-only decks were no longer made...

The only problem with that argument is that CD (16/44.1) is still the
current format. Every day shed-loads of these coasters using "museum"
technology are produced and sold. The bulk of "lossless" music
available for purchase is 16/44.1, not higher res.

Phil Leigh;571774 Wrote: 
> Do you not have any HDCD's?

Sure, I have HDCD's. Having long ago sold my last DAC that had PMD100
hardware, I have 2 copies of them. The original 16/44.1 flac rip and a
second 20 bit copy (in 24 bit flac container) generated with HDCD.exe.

Phil Leigh;571774 Wrote: 
> Let me try a different way. If you were going out to buy a DAC today,
> would you get a 16/44.1 DAC or something more flexible?

Depends what I wanted it for. If I wanted the best SQ possible for
playback of my primarily 16/44.1 collection, I'd seriously consider
spending the bulk of my funds on a NOS TDA1541 DAC and something cheap
like a Cambridge Dacmagic for flexibility.

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