On 09/14/2010 09:04 PM, jean2 wrote:
> JohnSwenson;576600 Wrote: 
>> and don't hold your breath for a new model. 
> Is it an educated guess, or do you know something we don't ? You are
> worrying me, as I hope Moore's law will continue to impact the SB range
> of products...

You are quoting John out of context.
Moore's law talks about years. Every 18 months to two years, you get
twice the performance. And so it is reasonable to expect that four years
after the Touch came out, there will be one that is 4 times faster.

There will be better/faster/cheaper Touch models.

But, the Touch built in server was called TinySBS for a long time, for a
reason. Its limited. It will always be limited. You can get a far better
computer to act as a server for your music collection for a tiny amount
of money. Often you can get a free computer from FreeCycle or your local
geek's basement. Or buy a device to run something like VortexBox.

Rather than being mad and disappointed at the limits of the built in
server, folks should look at it like others do for the iPhone: its a
very cool pocket computer, not a bad camera, and it sometimes makes cell
phone calls. Its a miracle. But it won't replace my quad core desktop
computer. Ever.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

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