tmauceri;588795 Wrote: 
> I would like to set up a music server using SqueezeBox Touch and a
> powered USB hardrive (1TB x 2 RAID or a 2TB x 2 Raid). Please excuse my
> lack of proper terminology, I'm at the bottom of the learning curve as
> far as music servers go. I will output to my  Denon AVR via digital
> connection. Everything will be hard wired. I will not be streaming. I
> read a review in Absolute Sound which stated this could be done. My
> questions are; #1 What is a good USB drive for this application? I have
> a very large CD collection that I would like to rip to FLAC. #2 The
> dBpoweramp software was recommended but do I need the CD Ripper and
> Music Converter or will the CD Ripper rip to FLAC? #3 How much storage
> space would a 45 min CD ripped to FLAC with no compression and with
> compression need? I'm sure there will be more questions, but these will
> get me moving. Thanks tmauceri

I think Kal's right.  You also might want consider the Vortexbox
appliance, if you don't want to go the DIY server route or use your
existing computer.  I just received my VBA and set it up today----it's
excellent.  Plus, it'll automatically rip your CD's to flac and file
them.  They have several versions in terms of capacity---the smallest
will store (according to them) 3000 CD's ripped to flac.



System information
Touch w/Hardware V 5, SBC running 7.5.1 r9218.  Controller and Touch
configured in all-wireless set-up using Netgear WNDR 3700.

Running Squeeze Server 7.5.1 r30836 on Vortexbox Appliance V 1.5.

Marantz PM8003 integrated amp, Cambridge Audio DacMagic, Vienna
Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers, REL Acoustics R305 sub-bass, PS Audio
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