eeagle;595574 Wrote: 
> I think you will be pleased with the Touch internal AKM4420 DAC, and
> would have to get into the high end DAC's > $1K to get a noticeable
> improvement.
> DAC listening improvements are very subjective; if you go that way see
> if your DAC source will loan a unit for you to compare (A-B test), and
> see if the improvement is worth the $.

I wouldn't advise you take the above approach. The reason is that DACs
are notorious for needing a lot of burn in time. If you get a new DAC
on loan, you won't have enough time to burn it in properly, and you'll
be running a risk of throwing out the baby with the bath water.

When I got my latest DAC, right out of the box it sounded horrendous.
Wimpy, subdued, muddy, just terrible. It broke my heart.

But after checking things out with the community, I've decided, on
their advice, to give it a world, and to let it burn in for about 200
hours (I left it on the continuous playback loop).

After the initial 200 hours of burn in milestone has been reached, the
DAC started coming out as the beauty that it is. However, it wasn't
before the 900 - 1,000 hours milestone of burn in that my DAC came to
the full bloom. Right now, it's one of the most musical pieces of gear
I've ever heard.

So the moral is that you must do your own research, commit to the
product you think hits the sweet spot for you, and then commit to live
with it for at least a few months. Keep listening to it and evaluating
it constantly. You will only then be able to know whether it's a keeper
or not.

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