garym;597279 Wrote: 
> just to confirm, can you, for example, copy one of the music files to
> your desktop on your laptop?  Right click one of the vba files and
> check properties. does it show as write protected or anything?  Also,
> are you looking at the files within the "files/music" subdirectory? 
> Music files on the VBA actually show up in two different places, but
> only under the files top directory can you access the actual files.

I read about the files folder in the VBA  FAQ this morning and I was
able to edit the Beatles Help Album and save the changes. When I went
to the SBTouch nothing had changed. I think I read when you rip a new
CD the it will update. So I just started to rip another. So far
everything else I've ripped has been perfect with just a couple of CDs
not showing cover art.

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