tmauceri;597306 Wrote: 
> Im back already. A few days ago I asked about FLAC and sampling rates
> and the general opinion was to rip in 44.1. My AVR tells me the FLAC
> files are in 44.1, so all is good. If I wanted to rip in say 88.2 can
> the VBA do this? If so, how do I change the defaults? Also can I change
> the compression? I know 5 seems to be the compression of choice. But how
> would I change the compression if I wanted to?

you can cahnge from 44.1 to 88.2, but this is generally a bad idea at
best and can screw things up at worst. If the CD is 44.1, ripping it at
88.2 doesn't somehow add something that wasn't there.

Regarding compression, this just has to do with "size" of the FLAC
file. Many folks will tell you that the usual default of "5"
compression is the best compromise between size of file (small) and the
effort the decoder has to put out to decode the FLAC file. I personally
use "5" on all my FLAC rips. I use dbpa to rip (even though I have a
VBA) so not sure where the setting is on VBA. But must be a place to
change compression to be somewhere between 0 and 8.

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