paulster;607495 Wrote: 
> The incoming data hits a not-insubstantial buffer though, so the MTU and
> timing of the data won't make a jot of difference unless the buffer
> empties.
> The other night I managed to disconnect one of my players and patch in
> a switch into the wall port and back to the player, which had to
> re-DHCP, and it didn't drop a note whilst streaming FLAC.  The buffer
> is that big!

Indeed - I've noticed the same thing, so for most of the time the
player is probably simply playing out the contents of the buffer. I
can't be sure, but it doesn't seem as though there is a continuous
stream of data to the player, but rather an occasional spurt of data to
refill the buffer.  If that's the case, then differences in processor
load or player activity should be audible (if at all) only during these
data spurts.  If Linux is somehow inferior during these spurts, the
effect should be to make Linux sound worse in spurts, not

But I'm making the mistake of using my deductive reasoning and my
engineering/scientific superstition again - how idiotically scholastic.

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