guidof;611179 Wrote: 
> Hi Rick:
> I'm hooked up wireless.
> Yes, my CA 840C also displays "<=20/96" when streaming 24/96 files from
> my Touch. 
> But when streaming a 24/96 DVD Audio played on my Oppo (980H), the 840C
> reads <24/48!
> The 840C manual states somewhat cryptically that "rather than exact
> word width, some sources report data as either 20 bit maximum . . . or
> 24 bit maximum." 
> Looks like the 840C display is not accurate in either case.
> Guido F.Guido, thanks for the reply. Good to know things are 'as they should 
> (or
in this case not) be'.  The Oppo will put out various bit depth/sample
rates depending on the disc. Some have copy protection (I think most
commercial DVDs and DVD-As) where it is limited. The one case where I
saw 24/96 was with one I got from a friend of his own recordings,
burned to disc himself. These were DVD-V files, I think ... (??? all
this is confusing to me).

I have seen everything from ("<=" sometimes) 20/96, 24/48, 16/96, and
even 16/192 out of the Oppo on various discs.

discusses the 840C (which supposedly only displays what the device
'reports') and is about the Touch

Doesn't sound like Logitech is going to put any effort into fixing it,
since it's "only cosmetic". Oh well.

I think we can be assured that the Touch is actually putting out 24/96
(or whatever is being streamed, if less). Stereophile and Computer
Audiophile have both published measurements verifying the 24 bit output
on the SPDIF optical/RCA connections.


Bits: Azur 840C; Squiggles: Thorens TD-145; Pre-Heater: McIntosh C220;
Heater: Bottlehead Paramount 300B; Wavemakers: Triangle Titus, NHT Sub
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