guidof;610846 Wrote: 
> About the Squeezebox Touch:
> I haven't had this much fun with an audio gizmo since the Hafler Matrix
> (anyone still remembers that one?).
> First with the Touch out of the box, then with Soundcheck's mods, then
> with rediscovering some forgotten CDs as I (slowly) rip my entire
> collection, and finally with being able to listen to 24/96 downloads,
> it has been a musically exhilarating few months since the Touch has
> lived in my system.
> And all of this for $300! 
> So much music, so little time . . .
> Guido F.I agree completely! I have listened more to my system since I got the
Touch (a couple weeks ago) since I don't know when. I listened to some
'old' stuff the other night, sounded amazing. I think I have
added/upgraded several components since I last listened to it. Guess I
should listen to the CD and do a comparison ... nah! sounds great thru
the Touch (wireless streaming and all), why bother?

BTW, Guido, wondering what is displayed on your 840C when playing thru
the Touch? and if you are going wireless or using Ethernet? (altho I
don't think it would make a difference in what the 840C displays).

Mine shows "<=20/96" even when streaming 24/96 files, and "<=20/44.1"
when streaming CD-sourced (Apple lossless) files. There is an issue
with the 840C and 'status bits' sent from the source ... 

When connected to my Oppo 980H the same files (burned to and played on
a DVD) read "24/96".

TIA,  - Rick.

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