I have been reading threads on this forum but couldn't find answers I
needed. Guess I am too technically challenged.

1) I wanted to disable the auto-scanning on the Touch. Following a
thread on this forum, I installed Putty (actually extraputty) on my
Windows XP. I input the IP of my Touch (, selected
"ssh", and pressed "enter", a window came out with a green cursor at
the upper left corner - I suppose if I type anything now, it will
appear there. I tried typing the password and pressed "enter" but
nothing happened in the window. After a few seconds, a message popped
out "fatal error, access time out". If I don't type anything, the error
message also pops out after a few seconds. I consulted the manual of
Putty but it didn't have this situation.

2) The Touch says it is successfully connected to my home network
wirelessly. But I can't find the icon in XP as "my workplace". It
appeared there once - I tried to click and open it but a message popped
out, saying I didn't have permission to access and needed to consult the
administrator of the server. I consulted myself - the admin of the Touch
but of course no good news. Windows XP on my computer didn't ask the
password of the Touch or anything when I clicked the icon. Now I can't
see it in "my workplaces" even after restart my computer and the Touch.
Plus, I never successfully opened the Touch IP in a web browser - IE or
Firefox. I just try to transfer music files wirelessly so I don't have
to unplug the hard drive everyday. Unfortunately I can't make it happen
without more basic computer knowledge.

3) If I disabled the Touch Server but didn't physically remove it
(unplugging the USB) then the Touch would tell me something like
"nothing was attached - but it couldn't connect the USB devices, try
again!" when I tried to restart the Touch Server. I have to unplug the
hard drive and replug it to get the Touch recognize it. Is that the
case or I did anything wrong again?

verycd's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49940
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