sc53;676841 Wrote: 
> I am trying to increase the signal strength for my Touch by connecting
> it via ethernet cable to a new wireless repeater I just bought. I set
> up the repeater fine on my iMac and it found my home network and said I
> could now unplug it and start using it in other rooms of my house. So I
> took it downstairs and plugged it into the Touch via ethernet cable. I
> then tried to select "wired network" from Settings page on the Touch
> but no wired network is ever found. What am I doing wrong? I can still
> connect wirelessly to my home network but the Touch won't recognize any
> wired connection to this repeater. Damn!

My first thought would be to try a different Ethernet cable. If that
does not work, try connecting a laptop or some other device and see if
the repeater gets connected to it. If not, the repeater may be faulty.

Good luck!

Guido F.


Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge -> Conrad Johnson
Motif preamp
Oppo BDP--83 Universal Player; Squeezebox Touch (digital out) ->
Cambridge Azur 840C DAC -> Adcom GFP-750 preamp -> Music Reference
RM-200 Mk II amp -> Martin Logan SL3 speakers
DSpeaker Antimode 8033 equalizer -> REL T1 Subwoofer
Squeezebox Touch (analog out) -> Little Dot Mk III amp -> AKG K701
Squeezebox Touch -> Grado SR125 headphones
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