JohnSwenson;685571 Wrote: 
> OK, here is the in depth reply to Mr Pepper's inquiries.
> I am an electronics engineer working for a semiconductor company (I'm
> not allowed to say which one), I layout integrated circuits, mostly
> large high speed digital with sensitive analog circuitry as well. My
> specialty is power distribution networks in these chips, providing low
> noise power and ground networks to provide very low jitter on the
> interface between the digital and analog sections. This jitter needs to
> be kept in the single digit ps range, which is not easy. In order to
> meet this we need on chip regulators, these regulators are always
> linear regulators, switching regulators simply produce too much noise.
> At the system level we usually have a switching regulator on the board,
> followed by a linear regulator on the board and the linear regulator on
> chip. This is required in order to keep noise levels low enough so we
> can meet the jitter requirements. Believe me, if we could get away with
> a switching regulator on the chip we would do so. 
> As to my personal experience, I have designed many switching and linear
> regulators, I have only designed a few switching AC mains to DC
> supplies, but I have worked closely with those that do. I have measured
> many switching supplies, I have a fairly good good idea of what they can
> and cannot do. I have designed many linear AC Mains to DC supplies and
> measured those as well. 
> As to how this relates to audio, that is a long saga. Many years ago I
> was building audio DACs for myself and found out that what power supply
> I used had a significant impact on the sound. I set out to find out what
> differences in these supplies caused the difference. I ran many hundreds
> of tests with different supplies, listening and measuring the supplies
> and trying to come up with correlations, it was not easy and took a
> couple of years. One thing I learned from these tests was that most
> supplies feed a fair amount of noise back into the AC mains as well as
> the noise feed to the audio circuits. This noise injected back into the
> mains turned out to be one of the most important aspect of the tests,
> and one which is frequently completely ignored in power supply tests. 
> It turned out that frequency range that caused the most impact on sound
> quality was the 40KHz to 200KHz range. MHz and up was usually well
> controlled and filtered, and frequencies in the audio range were
> usually handled very well by the regulators in the circuits, but the
> intermediate frequencies were not well dealt with. And it was the
> amount of this noise injected back into the mains that had the most
> impact on sound quality, presumably by being carried to other
> components in the "stereo system" such as power amps and preamps. I
> tried this with many different audio systems, from inexpensive consumer
> systems, expensive audiophile systems, pro audio systems and all of them
> seemed to be susceptible to this incoming noise on their AC. 
> Many of these components contained "line filters" designed to block
> incoming noise, but most of those only seemed to be effective in the
> MHz and up range, having very little affect in the 40KHz to 200KHz
> range. I probed around inside these other components and watched what
> happened to this noise coming in over the AC mains and found many of
> these components actually had resonances in this range which
> significantly magnified incoming noise. In quite a few cases even if
> their own power supply was not generating noise in this region, the
> resonances wound up feeding significant noise into the circuitry when
> noise in the right range was on the AC. 
> So the summary of all these tests was that the biggest requirement for
> a PS was to not send noise in the 40KHz to 200KHz range back down the
> AC line, keeping noise out of the DC fed to the DAC also made an
> impact, but it actually was not as big a concern as what went to the
> mains. It also had to not be susceptible to noise in that range coming
> from OTHER components. 
> So I set out to design a PS that met these goals. Since this was going
> to be a onesie for my own use it was a lot easier to build a linear
> supply. I did a LOT of spice simulations trying out different
> topologies and components which eventually evolved to what I have
> today. I built several and proved that the real world did in fact
> closely match the spice results so I was quite confident that doing the
> exploration with spice was a reasonable approach. 
> The result is very different than most linear supplies. Most linear low
> voltage supplies employ a single stage very large value cap after a
> bridge regulator. This of course only conducts over a very narrow
> portion of the cycle, giving rise to very high current pulses in the
> transformer. Common rectifiers produce switching noise in the bad
> frequency range, with in conjunction with the current pulses cause the
> power transformer to ring like a bell right in the bad range. This
> noise goes right through the power transformer and into the mains. Even
> if you have a good regulator which blocks this noise from the circuit
> beeing fed from this supply, the noise still goes out to the mains. 
> My design attempts to alleviate these issues in several ways, first it
> uses Schottky rectifiers, second it uses a choke based asymetrical PI
> filter after the rectifiers. The first cap is much smaller than the
> second cap. The result is a supply which has cunduction over almost the
> entire cycle, thus no large current spikes. Having the small first cap
> allows the large conduction angle, but it also allows the filter to not
> need nearly as much minimum current as a true choke input filter. What
> comes out of the filter is almost pure sine wave which is very easy for
> the regulator to deal with. In a tgraditional linear supply the sawtooth
> output has a lot of high frequencies which are much harder for simple
> regulators do deal with. The third part is a damping network across the
> power transformer which damps the winding resonance so it will not
> resonante from noise coming in from the outside world. 
> The result of all this is a design which has extremely low noise
> injected back into the AC line and very low noise sent to the audio
> circuitry. It's simple, does not contain any custom components, no
> special "audiophile" parts, is easy for inexperienced DIYers to build.
> Is it the only design possible? of course not. Can a switching supply
> be made which can match this performance, almost certainly. But its not
> going to be nearly as simple, will probably need custom magnetics and
> could very well cost more money to make and will be way out of the
> range of a DIYer to build. 
> I have tested many commercially available switching supplies (certainly
> not all), designed for many different applications, including many that
> come with audio devices including some very expensive pro audio
> equipment and NONE of them bettered the noise levels of this simple
> linear supply. So while it is certainly possible that a switching
> supply good do as well or better, it does not seem that this is common
> in the market place. It is also true that most linear supplies are also
> very bad as well, and many linear supplies are worse than the switching
> supplies that people are replacing. I have NEVER said that a linear
> supply is always better than a switching supply.
> If you would like to test these claims go ahead and build this design
> (its easy and not very expensive) and compare it to any of your
> switching designs, paying attention to what is injected back into the
> AC mains as well as what gets sent to the device, I'd be very
> interested to see how it stacks up with your switching desings. Oh
> yeah, and while you're at it try hooking them up to a Touch and see if
> you hear any differences.  
> Here is the schematic of the design mentioned above:
> John S.


Thankyou for the prompt and in depth analysis of your circuit and your
background. I have looked at the circuit and can find no reason why it
would not work. A simple but highly effective well thought out design.
Linear Tech devices take some real beating for quality comps.

I had made some meaurements on the 'Touch' supply as a 'Buck' convertor
and found emissions to be well below any level that would cause
problems. Maybe because of the low current drawn. Not quite sure I
would want the same design topology for a power amp (which are normally
not switchers).

>From my findings, I am still not convinced that a linear PSU can have
so much acoustic effect than a switcher....but that's the nature of
Audiophiles who can hear the difference by changing their mains plug to
one which costs >£500 regardless of what crap wiring is hanging behind
the wall.

Best Regards

Waldo Pepper
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