Hi all :)

This is my first post here, so let me know if i'm doing anything

I compete in a European car audio championship. My current source unit
is effectively just a simple CD transport with the output presented as
spdif via toslink. I'm somewhat curious as to whether or not I could
replace this source unit with a Squeezebox Touch.

I have some specific questions if I may :-

- Does the SBT have an on/off button other than on the remote?
- How quickly does it switch on before you can play a track?
- How easy/quick is it for someone to plug in a USB stick and get
playing a track?
- Any pops/crackles during power on/off or changing track?
- Ultimately how reliable is it? I need this to be 100% reliable in
operation (hardware failures excluded)
- What are the power requirements? (I think its 5v@3a?)

I need a reliable platform where a judge can sit in the car, plug in
his USB stick, and get playing music very quickly (< 30 seconds from
power on). I have to meet this requirement or I lose points.

Thanks in advance for your replies :)

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