lauret;689688 Wrote: 
> Let's be honest, that's an opinion. If every detail of sound
> reproduction would be understood, we would know right? Then there
> wouldn't be any more need of more R&D in sound reproduction equipment,
> but the opposite is true. There are still new innovations made and
> patents granted in new ICs, amplification circuits and so on. So why
> are you trying to force your opinion onto others?

I think Octavist mean no audibility for humans that's is a proven fact
not an opinion.

Equipment can still be improved and have better spec, even better spec
than necessary it may add up somewhere .
This is another matter and can be discussed further and of-course new
and better equipment is always welcome.

However 24/192 as a consumer format is silly .

The problem that can be solved with native 24/192 on Touch is the need
to have a server that can transcode .
it would simply be more practical and compatible with the files you
have, if one happens to own one of these oddities or being a hobby
producer etc.

But the SOX algorithm from 24/192 to 24/96 would be transparent to a
human listener .

So there is no sound-quality reasons for the Touch to handle 24/192 it
is a question of server resources and practicalities .
versus production price , it is a compromise I can live with there is
very limited content in native 24/192 .

In almost all practical cases the transcoded stream would be
information transparent to. As I doubt that there is any microphones
that pick up >48kHz and if it as an analog tape master behind it and
other technical limits of the recording there is no content that
warrant higher sample rate to capture the signal, especially not if it
an SACD rip it would only be ultrasonic gunk .

A s a consumer I usually get the 24/96 version if there is a choice
between 192 and 96 .

If you run a limited resources server make 24/96 copies of the few
24/192 recordings you have and listen to those .

If your DAC of choice produce different sound with 24/96 vs 24/192 it
must be broken and then the solution is again something else than
getting native 24/192 on a mid priced mass-market item, there must be
dozens of other more worthwhile improvements you can do on the Touch

most blatant example the onboard DAC and analog section is good but not
on par with the best so a couple of cents on better parts here would
improve everything all your CD's internet radio and hirez files would
be better.

There would always be something else to improve first before focusing
on 24/192 when you reach wiess dcs or benchmark quality on the Touch
then it's time for the 24/192 upgrade because then there would be
nothing else left to do.
But only then would it be worth the effort.

Why the absurd focus on a number ? like 24/192 ? I would be so happy if
most of the recordings in the world would reach up to the 16/44.1
standard .
Sample rate above 16/44.1 is virtually of no consequence at all
compared to all other issues we have regarding crappy recordings and
mastering .

I do enjoy some the few better than average recordings I have, but they
are exceptions not norm.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
Mnyb's Profile:
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