MWelschenbach;692066 Wrote: 
> Yes, the dac is off for the night. 
> One other observation: I tried the plugin with the default kernel 7.7.1
> from Logitech, neither kernel #1 nor kernel #2 installed, and it seems
> to work perfectly with my dac even with 24/96 material. Is this as it
> is supposed to be?

Very likely - kernel #2 is very similar to the default kernel, the only
signficant difference is that some dacs will need kernel #2 as they ask
for more bandwidth on the usb bus than the default kernel offers.  (In
the case of the MDAC for instance it requires this)

The main thing with kernel #2 and the default kernel is the need for an
external hub to may async work as the silicon inside touch appears to
have a limitation which the hub fixes.

[I would like to get the 2 changes in kernel #2 into the standard
firmware, but am awaiting feedback from logitech]

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